Difference between revisions of "NPS Condition Assessments"

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| Done
| Done
| Done
| Done
! 2nd draft done 04/07/11
! inserted in report 04/27/11
| Comments (minor) on 04/06/11 from Irina Irvine, SAMO restoration ecologist
| Comments (minor) on 04/06/11 from Irina Irvine, SAMO restoration ecologist

Revision as of 13:24, 27 April 2011

Santa Monica Mtns

Status 12/13/10

Stressor/Indicator Who Conceptual Model Data Compiled Analysis Done Report Status Feedback from NPS
Housing density Patrick NA Done Done 1st draft sent 5/19/10 awaiting response
Road effects and accessibility David NA Done Done internal draft done 2/14/11 need to redo effective mesh size with evan's new script
Pesticides Patrick NA Done Done 1st draft sent 5/19/10 awaiting response
Rodenticides Patrick NA Done Done 1st draft sent 5/19/10 awaiting response
Human footprint David Done Done Done 1st draft sent 03/15/10 awaiting response
Air quality Patrick See Tejon GP No No No scripts in place to run
Climate change Patrick NA Data acquired from A. Flint to be done to be done scripts in place to run
Water quality David NA TMDL data obtained include TMDL summary
T&E plants TBD build on Noah Goldstein's thesis, check VTM maps/plots for historical distributions
Invasive plants David Done Done Done inserted in report 04/27/11 Comments (minor) on 04/06/11 from Irina Irvine, SAMO restoration ecologist
Fire-plant community interactions Frank In progress Done In progress to be done have not seen conceptual model yet
Climate change-wildfire interaction David NA acquired from T. Westerling Done 2nd draft sent 04/18/11 comments from Robert Taylor 03/29/11 and Marti Witter on 04/04/11; needs some major editing and some additional R analysis without urban growth; major revision made to respond to these, 4/18/11
Climate change-sea level rise Frank NA
Habitat connectivity David NA Done-from CEHC Yes 1st draft sent 3/14/11 comments from Denise 3/15/11; discuss the connectivity/corridor analysis of individual species done by SMMC and SCW rather than having a separate section that we write based on Circuitscape
Light pollution David NA Done Done rough draft only 02/08/10 have not seen yet, checking with Travis Longcore for other info
Other endpoints?

John Muir

Status 12/13/10

Stressor/Indicator Who Conceptual Model Data Compiled Analysis Done Report Status Feedback from NPS
Housing density??? Patrick NA
Road effects and accessibility??? David NA Done distance to roads, accessibility, and traffic volume effects
Human footprint David Done
Air quality??? No No No scripts in place to run
Climate change??? NA Data acquired from A. Flint to be done to be done scripts in place to run
Water quality??? David NA include TMDL summary
Alameda whipsnake??? David??? Critical Habitat for Mt. Wanda region
Invasive plants??? David Done
Fire regime Frank In progress Done
Climate change-wildfire interaction David NA acquired from T. Westerling to be done to be done R scripts in place to run
Habitat connectivity??? David Done Done-from CEHC No No
Other endpoints?


Status 9/1/10

Stressor/Indicator Who Conceptual Model Data Compiled Analysis Done Text Status Final graphics Feedback from NPS
Housing density Patrick NA Done Done Final 9/3/10 Done
Road effects and accessibility David NA Done Done Final 9/2/10 Done
Pesticides Patrick NA Done Done Final 9/2/10 Done
Rodenticides Patrick NA Done Done Final 9/2/10 Done
Human footprint David Done Done Done Final 9/2/10 Done
Air quality Patrick No Done Done Final 9/2/10 Done
Climate (change) Patrick NA Done Done Draft in report 7/29/10 Done
Water quality David NA Done Done Draft in report 8/28/10 Done data for regional context?
Invasive plants David Done Done Done Final 9/2/10 Done
Feral pigs David Done Done Done 2nd draft in report 02/08/10 TBD
Prairie falcons Frank Done Done Done Final 9/2/10 TBD revised falcon data spreadsheet--analysis redone; dropped core-noncore comparisons
Fire regime Frank No Done Done Final 9/2/10 TBD added summary of evidence of (pre-)historical fire
Climate change-wildfire interaction David NA obtained from T. Westerling Done Final 9/2/10 Done
Habitat connectivity David Draft Done-from CEHC Done Final 9/3/10 TBD species in connectivity areas not identified
Habitat connectivity-badgers Frank Draft Done Done-Circuitscape Final 9/2/10 TBD Frank redid analysis with pig fence
Dark night sky David NA Done Done Final 9/2/10 Done