Difference between revisions of "NPS Condition Assessments"

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Line 16: Line 16:
| Done
| Done
| Done
| Done
| Draft in report, needs minor editing
| Draft in report 5/10/10, needs minor editing
| PJ9--wants lit summary of evidence of historical fire back to ~1500
| PJ9--wants lit summary of evidence of historical fire back to ~1500
Line 25: Line 25:
| Done
| Done
| Done
| Done
| 2nd draft sent 3/15/10
| Draft in report 5/10/10, needs minor editing
| PJ12--R. muscosa split?, PJA - R. muscosa changed to R. sierrae; PJ13--would like analysis back to 1980s or even 1940, PJA - going back to earlier years could take more work because the file formats change in the 80's, requiring rewrites of some scripts; PJ15--EPA findings flawed, PJA - not sure what to do about this except include all 66 pesticides that were identified in the lawsuit; PJ16--more detail on distance, drift, and aerial spraying, PJA - this was addressed with application method breakdown and additional text; MK20--what are top 10 of the 45 pesticides?, PJA - addressed in a table and in text
Line 43: Line 43:
| Done
| Done
| 2nd draft in report 02/08/10
| 2nd draft in report 02/08/10
| PJ23--some data on pig kill density inside and outside but no metadata
! Climate change
! Climate change
Line 58: Line 58:
| Done
| Done
| Done
| Done
| 2nd draft sent 03/15/10
| Draft in report 5/10/10
| comments to show public land (zero density) and refer to impacts associated with housing, eg. feral cats, PJA - I included public lands in the housing figures and discussed some more impacts related to housing development
! Prairie falcons
! Prairie falcons

Revision as of 14:31, 13 May 2010



Stressor/Indicator Who Conceptual Model Data Compiled Analysis Done Report Status Feedback from NPS
Fire regime Frank No Done Done Draft in report 5/10/10, needs minor editing PJ9--wants lit summary of evidence of historical fire back to ~1500
Pesticides Patrick NA Done Done Draft in report 5/10/10, needs minor editing
Rodenticides Patrick NA Done Done internal draft 4/26/10 not sent to NPS yet
Feral pigs David Done Done Done 2nd draft in report 02/08/10
Climate change Frank/Patrick NA Data acquired from A. Flint To be done To be done have not seen yet
Housing density Patrick NA Done Done Draft in report 5/10/10
Prairie falcons Frank Done Done Nearly done In progress have not seen yet
Cal red-legged frogs Patrick Done No No No comments on draft conceptual model--revisions made 12/16/09
Air quality Patrick No In progress No No have not seen yet
Light pollution David NA Done Done 2nd draft in report 02/08/10 comments from PJ/MK about prison lights, vineyard night harvesting, and NPS Night Skies program; possibly add 2000 results if Albers does the analysis or use Cinzano et al. atlas
Human footprint David Done Done Done 1st draft sent 03/15/10
Vegetation Frank David to draft model No No No have not seen yet
Invasive plants David revised 54/29/10 as per Paul Paul is checking to be done to be done Paul J. would like SAMO-type analysis except with their weed zones and numbers of priority invasives to replace Bren GP exposure ranking
Habitat connectivity David Draft Done-from CEHC Done Internal draft to FD/PJ 4/29/10 Comments on conceptual model only from MK as of 12/22/09; adapt Cal Essential Habitat Connectivity (04/27/10)
Climate change-wildfire interaction David NA requested from T. Westerling to be done to be done
Other endpoints?

Santa Monica Mtns


Stressor/Indicator Who Conceptual Model Data Compiled Analysis Done Report Status Feedback from NPS
Fire-plant community interactions Frank In progress No No No have not seen conceptual model yet
Habitat connectivity David Draft Done-from CEHC No No Comments on conceptual model only from MK as of 12/22/09; adapt Cal Essential Habitat Connectivity (04/27/10)
Invasive plants David Done Done Done 1st draft sent 02/02/10 Comments from MK as of 02/03/10; DK liked conceptual model of vulnerability; waiting for comments from Christy
Climate change Patrick NA Data acquired from A. Flint to be done to be done
Housing density Patrick NA Done No internal draft done 4/5/10 have not seen yet
Pesticides Patrick NA Done Done internal draft done 4/5/10 NPS has not seen yet
Rodenticides Patrick NA Done Done internal draft 5/4/10 not sent to NPS yet
Air quality Patrick See Tejon GP No No No have not seen yet
Light pollution David NA Done Done 1st draft in report 02/08/10
Human footprint David Done Done Done 1st draft sent 03/15/10
Climate change-wildfire interaction David NA requested from T. Westerling to be done to be done
Other endpoints?